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تطبيق " ميلزو Mealzo‎ " للوجبات الغذائية الان على جوجل بلاي

تطبيق " ميلزو Mealzo‎ " للوجبات الغذائية الان على جوجل بلاي تطبيق " ميلزو Mealzo " للوجبات الغذائية بفكرته الرا...

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Download Game "Minesweeper Ligh " of Google Play

Download Game "  Minesweeper Light " of Google Play

Download Game "  Minesweeper Light " of Google Play

Download Game "  Minesweeper Light " of Google Play

The same minesweeper game, but with simple and beautiful looks.
Tap on a square to uncover, tap and hold to place a flag.
Select the number of mines from the slider on the bottom of the main menu.

The game "Minesweeper Light" is played by revealing squares of the grid by tapping each square.

If a square containing a mine is revealed, you lose the game.
If no mine is revealed, a digit is instead displayed in the square, indicating how many adjacent squares contain mines; if no mines are adjacent, the square becomes blank, and all adjacent squares will be recursively revealed.
Use this information to deduce the contents of other squares, and you may either safely reveal each square or place a flag (tap and hold) on the square to mark a mine.

Download Game "  Minesweeper Light " of Google Play

Download Game "  Minesweeper Light " of Apple Store


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