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تطبيق " ميلزو Mealzo‎ " للوجبات الغذائية الان على جوجل بلاي

تطبيق " ميلزو Mealzo‎ " للوجبات الغذائية الان على جوجل بلاي تطبيق " ميلزو Mealzo " للوجبات الغذائية بفكرته الرا...

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تطبيق Quran Radio - اذاعات القران على جوجل بلاي مجانا

Quran Radio - اذاعات القران

Quran Radio - اذاعات القران

Quran Radio - اذاعات القران

Quran Radio - اذاعات القران

The Quran Radio is an application that offers live broadcast for all Quran radio stations in the Islamic world for all the famous readers.
◉More than 200 radio stations

◉It’s the only application that includes Quran broadcasts from Saudi Arabia, Cairo, Bahrain, Kuwait, Emirates, Qatar and Palestine
◉24/7 broadcasts
◉Live recording option
◉Ability to listen to recordings without internet connection
◉A timer to automatically stop the radio after a specified time
◉The application runs even if closed.
◉The ability to share the recordings on social networks
◉Search option in the list of radio stations
◉The application is easy to use even for seniors

◉Available languages ◉
Arabic, English, Turkish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), French, Malay, Urdu, Russian, Indonesian

لتحميل التطبيق اضغط هنا : Quran Radio - اذاعات القران

For Download App : Download : Quran Radio

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